Operator 操作工


更新时间 : 2016-6-12
  • 工作地点 :六合
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :1
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1. Under the guidance of a Shift Team Leader or his/her designee, operates an assigned portion of the process unit, either manually or through automatic control, complying with safety, Health, Environmental, and Housekeeping Standards.

2. Starts up and shuts down chemical process equipment according to established practices and procedures with guidance from senior technician in order to begin or cease production in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

3. Responds to upsets or abnormal process conditions according to established practices and procedures in order to maintain production in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

4. Performs gauging and transferring operations of raw materials, intermediate and finished products to and from rundown tanks, field storage tanks, and terminal facilities.

5. Recommends, coordinates and monitors maintenance work as needed in order to ensure operations with unit operational guidelines. Raises maintenance requisitions when needed.

6. Solid knowledge on basic chemistry and process. Diploma graduated.
具备扎实的化工工艺基础知识. 大专学历


(包食宿)广告安装工 (职位编号:0001)

  • 工作地点 :白下
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :6
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12


  • 工作地点 :江宁
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :10
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12
1.搬卸货物,跟车2.能吃苦耐劳,听从上级安排,无纹身,年龄20至40岁,联系人:芮小姐 联系电话:025-52716132


  • 工作地点 :栖霞
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :2
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12


  • 工作地点 :浦口
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :15
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12


  • 工作地点 :浦口
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :1
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12


  • 工作地点 :栖霞
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :5
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12
一、职位描述: 普工/操作工 (一、最好居住江宁区***优先;二、男持叉车资格证优先)1.严格按作业指导书或操作工艺进行生产装配、生产设备的恰当使用;2.听从生产调度安排,保证按时按质按量完成生产任务;3.保证生产区域的环境卫生整洁有序;4.加强实践学习,增强技能水平,提高生产效率;5.完成生产部经理或生产调度交办的其它事项;6.协助工艺工程师..


  • 工作地点 :栖霞
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :5
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12

电气装配工 周末双休

  • 工作地点 :秦淮
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :1
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12
任职要求:1、负责项目电气柜接线,熟悉施工图纸,了解项目概况,对设计要求、质量要求,具体作法要有清楚的了解和熟记,认真按图施工。2、 熟悉电气自动化,了解弱电相关知识。3、负责电气设备的安装调试及进度控制。  4、施工图纸中出现的问题及时与设计及项目经理汇报并协商解决5、电气类相关专业毕业 ,有经验也可。上班时间:9:00-17:00 周末双休,法定节假日..


  • 工作地点 :浦口
  • 学历要求 :初中
  • 工作年限 :无要求
  • 招聘人数 :若干
  • 发布日期 :2016-6-12


  • 150-500人
  • 生产/制造
  • 外资(欧美)
  • 南京市六合区化学工业园内

Celanese Corporation (NYSE: CE), is one of the world’s largest producers of acetyl products, as well as a leading global producer of high performance engineered polymers. Our products are widely found in consumer and industrial applications. We operate primarily through four business segments: Advanced Engineered Materials, Consumer Specialties, Industrial Specialties, Acetyl Intermediates. Our operations are primarily located in North America, Europe and Asia. Based in Dallas, Texas, the company employs approximately 8,350 employees worldwide. Net sales totaled $6.8 billion in 2008, with approximately 65% generated outside of North America. Known for operational excellence and execution of its business strategies, Celanese delivers value to customers around the globe with innovations and best-in-class technologies. As a committed investor in China for over 20 years, Celanese's business portfolio in China includes a holding company in Shanghai, four major joint ventures, and Celanese Nanjing Integrated Chemical Complex, Celanese’s largest integrated complex in the world. Please find details in www.celanese.com or www.celanese.com.cn.塞拉尼斯公司(纽交所代码:CE)是世界最大的乙酰基产品制造商之一,也是全球领先的高性能工程聚合物制造商,产品广泛应用于消费品和工业领域。塞拉尼斯主要经营四大业务:高性能工程塑料,特种消费品,特种工业品,乙酰基中间体。我们的业务经营主要分布在北美、欧洲和亚洲。塞拉尼斯公司总部设在美国德克萨斯州达拉斯市,全球员工约8350名。2008年塞拉尼斯公司净销售收入达到68亿美元,其中约65%的收入来自于北美以外。塞拉尼斯的卓越经营理念和商业战略部署为业界所称道,其创新力和先进的技术力量为全球各地的客户提升价值。目前塞拉尼斯在中国的业务包括上海的塞拉尼斯(中国)投资有限公司、各地的四家合资企业及塞拉尼斯全球最大的化工基地——塞拉尼斯南京一体化化工基地。详情请见www.celanese.com或者www.celanese.com.cn。Celanese (China) Holding Co., Ltd塞拉尼斯(中国)投资有限公司Celanese (China) Holding Co., Ltd was established in 2004, located in Lujiazui, Shanghai. The establishment will accelerate Celanese business development in China. In 2007, Celanese relocated the strategic management and headquarters of its Acetyls Business to Shanghai, China, to manage its global business as well as oversee Asia initiatives.塞拉尼斯(中国)投资有限公司成立于2004年,位于上海陆家嘴。投资公司的成立将大大加快塞拉尼斯在中国的业务发展。2007年,塞拉尼斯将乙酰基业务的战略管理层和营运总部迁往上海,管理全球乙酰基业务,同时兼管亚洲地区的所有业务。Celanese (Nanjing) Chemical Co., Ltd塞拉尼斯(南京)化工有限公司Celanese’s wholly owned, integrated chemical complex is located at the Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park, north of the Yangtze River. Celanese Nanjing Integrated Chemical Complex is Celanese’s largest integrated complex in the world. The complex, incorporating seven units with Celanese’s leading technologies and highest environmental and safety standards, is an exciting new investment and marks a major milestone for Celanese’s operations in China and Asia. The seven units at the complex include capacity for acetic acid, vinyl acetate monomer, acetic anhydride, vinyl acetate emulsions, Celstran long fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (LFRT), GUR ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE) and a polymer compounding unit.塞拉尼斯在华独资企业-塞拉尼斯南京一体化化工基地-坐落于南京化学工业园区,是塞拉尼斯全球最大的化工基地,采用塞拉尼斯全球最先进的技术以及最高环境与安全标准,它的建成是塞拉尼斯在中国乃至亚洲业务发展的重要里程碑。该基地包括醋酸、醋酸乙烯单体、醋酐、醋酸乙烯-乙烯共聚乳液、超高分子量聚乙烯和长纤增强热塑性塑料的生产装置以及特种功能高技术复合材料装置。Our Business Segments我们的业务Acetyl Intermediates乙酰基中间体Major Products: acetic acid, vinyl acetate monomer and value-added derivatives主要产品: 醋酸,醋酸乙烯单体,增值衍生品Major End-Use Markets: colorants, paints, adhesives, coatings主要终端市场: 颜料,油漆,粘合剂,涂料Advanced Engineered Materials高性能工程材料Major products:Engineering polymers: Celanex PBT, Hostaform/Celcon POM, Celstran LFRT, Fortron PPS, GUR UHMW-PE, Impet PET, Riteflex TPC-ET, Vandar PBT and Vectra LCP.主要产品:工程塑料-- Celanex 热塑性聚酯, Hostaform/Celcon 共聚甲醛-赛钢, Celstran 长纤维增强热塑性塑料, Fortron 聚苯硫醚, GUR 超高分子量聚乙烯, Impet 热塑性聚酯, Riteflex 热塑性聚酯弹性体, Vandar 热塑性聚酯合金 and Vectra 液晶聚合物。* Trademarks are owned by Ticona or its affiliates. Fortron is a registered trademark of Fortron Industries LLC."以上商标由泰科纳或其关联企业拥有。Fortron是Fortron Industries LLC的注册商标。Major end-use markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Electrical & Electronic, Medical, Appliance, Information Technology, Communications and Consumer主要终端市场: 汽车,航空,电子电气,医疗,家用电器,信息技术,通讯,消费品Consumer Specialties特种消费品Major Products:Acetate tow and acetate flake;主要产品: 醋酸纤维丝束和醋片Major End-Use Markets: Filter products主要终端市场: 过滤产品Major Products:Sweeteners and preservatives主要产品: 甜味剂和防腐剂Major End-Use Markets: Beverages, confections, baked goods, dairy products主要终端市场: 饮料,糖果,烘焙食品,乳制品Industrial Specialties特种工业品Major Products: Polyvinyl alcohol, emulsions, basic polymers主要产品: 聚乙烯醇,乳液,基础聚合物Major End-Use Markets: Paper, building and construction, textiles, paints, coatings, adhesives, packaging主要终端市场:纸张,楼房建筑,纺织品,油漆,涂料,胶黏剂,包装南京生产基地地址: 江苏南京六合区南京化学工业园方水路B07-01, 塞拉尼斯(南京)化工有限公司人力资源部210047。南京共享服务中心地址:江苏南京中山南路1号南京中心15-16楼,塞拉尼斯(中国)投资有限公司南京分公司人力资源部210005上海公司地址:上海市浦东南路500号国家开发银行大厦21层,塞拉尼斯(中国)投资有限公司人力资源部 200120。
